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Zestful Aging – Eating in Your “Age of Wisdom”–No More Fad Diets!

If you’ve followed Zestful Aging host Nicole Christina, you know she is no fan of dieting and restriction. She says we all know where that leads– a shame cycle that erodes our relationship with ourselves. Caroline Drury is a transformational coach who focuses on, as she likes to call it, “the age of wisdom,” meaning that her midlife clients have an abundance of life experience and wisdom that they haven’t yet tapped into which can help them on their transformation journey. These extraordinary women are at the age where they now know better and are looking for help to do better and BE better in lasting and sustainable ways; no more fad diets and no more restriction. Caroline’s areas of coaching focus are strength training, macro-based nutrition, and lifestyle & mindset work to help women rediscover themselves after too many fad diets and “weight loss challenges.” To do this, she provides sound strength training, nutrition, and lifestyle practices that focus on building healthy fitness and nutrition habits over time, and developing a loving self-disciplined but self-compassionate relationship with oneself….sometimes for the first time.

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