The television series features entertaining and informative documentary segments, with compelling testimonials from celebrities, authors, notable Americans and book lovers across the country. It is comprised of a two-hour launch episode in which the list of 100 books is revealed, five one-hour theme episodes that examine concepts common to groups of books on the list, and a finale, in which the results are announced of a nationwide vote to choose America’s best-loved book.
The series is the centerpiece of an ambitious multi-platform digital, educational and community outreach campaign, designed to get the country reading and passionately talking about books.
Book Bike: Bringing Books to the Community
Now – September
Location: Many parks, neighborhood events, schools, and businesses in the Liverpool area
Target Audience: families, patrons of all ages
Description: Liverpool Library rides the very popular Book Bike into the community, towing a cart stocked with books and library materials. Patrons will be able to check out Great American Read books as well as vote and hear about related events.
Shelfie Day with Communications Guy Mark B
September 8th, 10:00am – Noon
Celebrate The Great American Read by having your “Shelfie” photo taken by our Communications Specialist Mark Bialczak. Pick out your favorite novel from TGAR’s 100. Think of how you’d like to pose with it in our main library room. We’ll post the photo on our library social media, and on the video that runs on the lobby TV. If you give us your email address, we’ll send you a digital copy.
Expressions of the Theme: Art and Essay Challenge
Now – October 15th
Location: Liverpool Library
Target Audience: Teens and adults
Description: The Great American Read Art and Writing Challenge
The PBS Great American Read television and online series will feature 100 of the best-loved books in America. Five key themes are explored during the series. Liverpool Public Library challenges teens and adults to respond to one of the themes through art and/or writing. Your work will be displayed at the library and you will receive a free t-shirt for entering the challenge.
Enter your drawing, painting, collage, photography, graphic design, essay, or poetry. See for details and submission.
Book Clubs and Book Club Kits
Location: Liverpool Public Library and local community
Target Audience: Adult
Liverpool Library has created 5 Book Club and/or Book to Movie Club kits; each kit containing 12 copies of a Great American Read title and discussion questions. Movie kits will also have one copy of the film version. Patrons will be able to check out a kit and host a book club.
They can also join the library’s club on August 13th to discuss a preselected Great American Read book (Rebecca by Dame Daphne du Maurier).
Debate: What is the best Great American Read book, and why?
September 13th, 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Location: Liverpool Public Library, Carman Community Room
Target audience: Adults and teens
Description: This debate, hosted by Debbie Stack of local PBS station, WCNY, will encourage passionate, yet civil, dialogue. Defend your favorite Great American Read. How does this book challenge your view of social structure? How is a character/theme/situation a reflection of yourself, your fears or desires? Using some of the overarching questions, some lively discussion will connect community members.
Top 10 Reveal: Finale Screening
Tuesday, October 23rd
Location: Liverpool Public Library, Carman Room, 7:00PM – 9:00 PM
Target Audience: All ages
Description: This much anticipated event, in collaboration with our local PBS affiliate, WCNY, will be an exciting finale to our months of reading, voting, and programming. Book clubs will be encouraged to attend and dress or decorate in character of their favorite book. Liverpool Library’s very own top 10 Great American Books will be revealed before the live broadcast on PBS.
Author/speaker event
Date: October 18th
Location: Liverpool Public Library, Carman Room, 7:00PM – 9:00 PM
Target Audience: All ages
Description: Liverpool Library collaborates with Syracuse University, LeMoyne College, Onondaga Community College, and teachers in the school district. Once the book list is revealed, Liverpool Public Library plans to retain a related author or speaker.
Read & Pass Along
We’re passing along 50 copies of some of the Great American Read titles and seeing how far they can travel. Books are being distributed by Friends, Trustees and volunteers of the Kirkland Town Library and are being tracked through the Book Crossing website. One of our books made it all the way to Crater Lake, Oregon! (see photo)
Major production funding provided by Anne Ray Foundation, A Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropy. Engagement funding provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and Anne Ray Foundation, A Margaret A Cargill Philanthropy.
Title: Tina Nabinger discusses her unique Book Cooks Library Program
Description: Tina Nabinger, a teacher and librarian from Central New York, has combined her love of books and cooking to create an innovative new program for her elementary students called Book Cooks. In this segment, Nabinger discusses Book Cooks, helping children find that perfect book, and the importance of reading every day.
Featured Individuals: Tina Nabinger – teacher and librarian at Minoa Elementary School
Title: The YMCA Young Authors Academy
Description: Young writers who show promise and aptitude find their voice at this workshop series led by a professional author and poet. The YMCA hosts ongoing sessions where high school aged writers are treated as artists – and taught advanced writing, comprehension and analytical skills. The leader and guest authors provide insight and feedback on the writing projects that the young writers are drafting. All participants are encouraged to share their ideas, their perspectives, their struggles and triumphs with their mentors and each other – all in attempt to help foster the next generation of great authors.
Featuring: Georgia Popoff, Poet
Title: The Book Barn of the Finger lakes
Description: At the Book Barn of the Finger Lakes, the art of independent bookselling is alive and well. Owner and architect Vladimir Dragan shares his experiences culling America’s published literature to find and make available those works often overlooked or long forgotten. We learn what trends he has seen come and go, what makes a novel great, why lesser known authors should get more attention and how he is preserving the depth of American literature when libraries don’t have the room.
Featuring: Vladimir Dragan, Owner
Facebook: @bookbarnofthefingerlakes
Title: Jackie Warren Moore – Poet
Description: Poet Jackie Warren Moore talks about how reading as a young child saved her life.
Title: Jaime Alicea – Superintendent Syracuse City Schools
Description: The Syracuse City School Superintendent talks about the role of reading in a well- rounded education.
Title: Dave Eichorn – Meteorologist and Wood Craftsman
Description: Dave Eichorn shares his story on why a book about a rare tree changed his entire approach to reading and his craft.