Feminine Fusion

S08 Ep16: Four by Four

Salut Salon

Salut Salon

“Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” – Berthold Auerbach


A quartet requires give and take, communication, and dedication.  These quartets feature women working together, and creating new and innovative ways to share classical music.


“Four by Four”


Ed Sheeran & John Newton, arr. Sabrina Tabby & Ari Barack Fisher:  Perfect
“Perfect (single)”

Javier Vazquez:  The Ocean Within

Camille Saint-Saens:  Africa, Op. 89
Salut Salon
“Carnival Fantasy”
Warner Music Group

Traditional:  Malaika
Salut Salon
“Carnival Fantasy”
Warner Music Group

John Williams, Klaus Doldinger, Kurt Weill:  Shark Medley
Salut Salon
“Carnival Fantasy”
Warner Music Group

Ramin Djawadi:  Game of Thrones Theme
Quartetto Effe
“Original Texture”

Jennifer Higdon:  An Exaltation of Larks
Lark Quartet
“An Exaltation of Larks”
Bridge 9379

John Burke:  String Quartet
Lafayette String Quartet
“Remember Your Power”
Centrediscs 10104




Feminine Fusion highlights the roles of women in classical music.  Host Diane Jones brings you stories and music of the women who create, perform, and inspire.  Produced in the studios at WCNY-FM.


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