Repeating History Archive
Repeating History, Episode 7 – Dr. Sally Roesch-Wagner
January 29, 2025
On this episode of Repeating History, my guest is Dr. Sally Roesch-Wagner. The founding director of the Matilda Joslyn Gage Foundation, she is a nationally recognized lecturer, author, and storyteller of the history of women’s rights. Dr. Roesch-Wagner founded one of the nation’s first women’s studies programs (California State University, Sacramento) and has taught women’s history for almost half a century.
The primary focus of our conversation is Matilda Joslyn Gage, one of the most significant leaders of the women’s suffrage movement, a radical political organizer, orator and writer, Gage was written out of the history by her more conservative colleagues, including her long-time friend, Susan B. Anthony. Her son-in-law was L. Frank Baum, noted author of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
Dr. Roesch-Wagner was primary responsible for rescuing Gage from the dustbin of history. Her work over the last 50 years has been instrumental in putting Gage back where she belongs, at the center of the struggle for equality and social justice.
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