Classic FM Challenge

The Classic FM Spring Membership Drive is coming up quickly and we hope we can count on you in a new and exciting way.

When the drive begins on April 4, 2014, we’ll be striving to reach an important goal in a very short period of time. Your challenge grant now, weeks before the drive, will serve to challenge other listeners to pledge.

Every dollar raised through challenge grants is a dollar we will not have to raise on-air.

These short membership drives, held just two times a year, generate vital funding needed to operate Classic FM, and we have found that Member Challenges are the best possible way to encourage non-supporters to become members, and past-members to return.

Make an investment in Classic FM, take up the challenge and shorten the drive!

Please use this form if you would like to make a Classic FM Challenge and pre-pay online. Your challenge will be used on-air to encourage others to become members. If you would rather issue a challenge without pre-paying, please call our membership department at (315) 453-2424.

To become a member of WCNY, visit our membership page or fill out the form below.

The Classic FM Spring Membership Drive is April 4 to 9.

For questions about the Classic FM Spring Membership drive, fill out the form below.


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