“No Cowards in Our Band,” a WCNY production partnered with Syracuse Opera and CNY Arts, is a musical drama based on the life and work of abolitionist Frederick Douglass. Created by Anthony Knight and Wayne Sanders, this musical drama highlights the history of how a young runaway slave (Frederick Douglass) became a great abolitionist and one of the most influential Americans in history.
The production features actor Masud Olufani, as Frederick Douglass, and other vocal artists of international acclaim, including Kearstin Piper Brown, soprano, Chauncey Packer, tenor, and Gregory Sheppard, bass. Also joining the cast is a Gospel Quartet of Syracuse artists, including Sonya Hines, Marcia Hagan, Sandra Dee Miller, and Rev. Phil Turner.
“No Cowards in Our Band” re-airs July 4 at 4:30 p.m. on WCNY-TV! The live stream will also be available on our website on July 4 at 4:30 p.m.
Masud Olufani