Feminine Fusion
June 25, 2017: Patchwork Quilt IV
June 19, 2017

Composer Unsuk Chin
“Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue.” – Plato
It’s another eclectic sampling of music on the fourth Patchwork Quilt show. These are recent works from four composers that have recently arrived in our studios. I’m pleased to share them with you.
“Patchwork Quilt IV”
Unsuk Chin: Rocana
Montreal Symphony Orchestra
Kent Nagano, conductor
“Unsuk Chin: Rocana/Violin Concerto”
Analekta 9944
Edie Hill: A True Heart is Waiting
“There Lies The Home”
Su Lian Tan: Life in Wayang
Jupiter String Quartet
Run time: 59:15
Feminine Fusion highlights the roles of women in classical music. Host Diane Jones brings you stories and music of the women who create, perform, and inspire. Produced in the studios at WCNY-FM.
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