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Funky Foodies Episode 207: The Funkies and the Bake Sale Blunder

Glow lets the Funkies use the Greasy Spoon’s kitchen to make cookies for a bake sale to raise money to buy the vacant lot that means so much to Dr. Beaker, but a few uninvited visitors eat away at their plans. Kid-friendly recipe: Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies.

Funky Foodies is a podcast for kids, and it’s produced right here in Central New York. Tween foodies Frankie, Fern, and Zara share a passion for food and its impacts on the environment. Adventures follow after they form an alliance called Funky Foodies, Inc., pledging to, “Save the Planet, One Veggie Burger at a Time.” Kid-friendly recipes reflecting the theme of each episode are included.

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