Feminine Fusion

Dec 8-14, 2018: Patchwork Quilt, Part XII

Pianist Martha Argerich

Pianist Martha Argerich

Music, my love,
you have taken my hand
in sorrow and led me
from darkness.
You have taught me grace
and forgiveness.
Music, my love,
you whisper to me
of paradise.
                    – Katherine Hoover (1937-2018)


Sometimes we listen to music just because.  Those are Patchwork Quilt episodes, with an hour of compositions and performances by women.  Some of the music is new, some is familiar, and all of it is outstanding.  Enjoy!


Patchwork Quilt, Part XII



Katherine Hoover:  Kokopeli
Laurel Zucker, flute
“Song of the Wind”
Cantilena 66017

Persis Parshall Vehar:  City of Light
John Fullam, clarinet
Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra; JoAnn Falletta, conductor
“City of Light”
Mark Masters 8643

Kaija Saariaho:  Aure
Jennifer Koh, violin; Arssi Karttunen, cello
“Sarriaho X Koh”
Cedille 90000 183

Philip Glass:  Suite from The Hours, Mvt. 1
La Pietà; Angèle Dubeau, conductor
Analekta 28746

Beethoven:  Piano Concerto No. 1 in C Major, Op. 15 (Mvt. 1)
Martha Argerich, piano
Mito Chamber Orchestra; Seiji Ozawa, conductor
“Argerich & Ozawa: Beethoven”
Decca 4832566


Run time:  58:29


Feminine Fusion highlights the roles of women in classical music. Host Diane Jones brings you stories and music of the women who create, perform, and inspire. Produced in the studios at WCNY-FM.

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