Checkup From the Neck-Up Archive

Checkup From the Neck-Up, Episode 18 – Gun Violence Prevention

Gun violence is now the leading cause of death for children 18 and under. It kills about 48,000 people overall in the U.S. every year. Dr. Jay Brenner, SUNY Upstate ER physician and former Chair of their Task Force on Gun Violence, and host psychologist Dr. Rich O’Neill, talk about the emotional toll of gun violence on families, communities, and health care workers. Shockingly, people who own a gun are about 30 times more likely to die from a gunshot. Brenner and O’Neill discuss 1) initiatives to reduce gun violence, including in our hospitals nationwide; 2) red flags that alert us to gun danger; and 3) what we can all do to help with this public health epidemic.

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